Microsoft Office Excel

A.             Q>. What is Powerpoint ?

Ans :- Microsoft Powerpoint is an electronic presentation program that helps us present a speech using a collection of slides. It is also a part of ms office that is used to make slide shows, presentation, photo album etc. like video graphics.

Ø The file extension of Powerpoint file is ”.pptx”.

Ø How to open Powerpoint :-

A.  By Mouse , Click on Start – All Programs – Microsoft Office – Microsoft Office Powerpoint 2007.

B.  From Keyboard , Window(ÿ) + R [powerpnt] + Enter(Ã) = Microsoft Powerpoint 

@ Presentation :- The file of Ms-PowerPoint’s file is known as presentation. A presentation is collection of slides.

@ Slide:- A slide is heart of presentation where user place text, control, insert picture etc that appear on screen.

v The most office button options are same as ms word or excel.

@ Home  Tab


Ø How to create a presentation ?

1.    First slide page we click on click to add title box and write appropriate Title.

2.    Click on subtitle box and write suitable title.

3.    Change its size and color according to choice.

Ø How to add, change and delete a new slide on the presentation ?

                  I.            In the Home Tab, click on New Slide in the slides group.

              II.            Choose the layout and whatever you want to take.

           III.            We can change anytime layout of the slides from the layout option.

          IV.            We can also delete any extra slides from the file.

v Other options of home tab are same as ms word.

v We can change the direction of the text as per need.

v We can align the text by left, right or middle.

v We can convert word to smart art graphic.

@ Insert Tab

@ We can add table, pictures, clip art, shapes, smart art, chart etc in the slide show from the insert tab.

Ø Photo Album :- This feature provides us to create album with animations on several pictures to represent one by one. We can also put any audio or video in the photo album.

@ We can also use hyperlink option on the slide.

@ We can also use text box to write any matter in the box.

@ We can header & footer option. We can write any notes in this field. We can also put date&time on the presentation to view on all pages.

@ We can also write text in word art style.

@ We can add today’s date and time in the slide.

@ We can also use symbol and object option.

v Movie :- This option is used to add any video file in the presentation file. Video must be in wmv format.we can also take any animated cartoon from this option.

v Sound :- this option is used to insert the media file in the presentation file.

Note :- we can change the setting of the movie and sound from its options tab.

@ Design Tab

v Page setup group :- we can change the presentation page size and orientation.

v Themes :- This option is used to give the design in the page from the available themes. We can also change the colors, fonts and effects of the slide show differently.

v Background :- we can change the background of the slide show form the available backgrounds.

v Format background :- we can fill solid color, gradient color, picture, texture or clip art differently in all the pages of the slide show.

We can also hide background graphics.

@ Animations Tab

Ø Preview :- To check the current slide with animations or effects.

Ø Animate :- This option provides us set pre define animation on selected object of slide.

Ø Custom Animation :- This option allows us to set animation effect on contents of the slide with four different categories (Etrance, Emphasis, Exit and Motion paths).we can also modify or remove the animation on the slides.

Ø Slide transition :– we can set or change the page opening effects of the slides. We can also modify the transition speed and sound. we can set it to apply all at one time.

Ø  Advance slide :- To check or uncheck on mouse click and give the time to the every slides or at once.

By mouse right click on the slide we can use these options :-

A.  To duplicate any slide.

B.  To delete any slide.

C.  To hide or unhide any slide.

Note :- F5 button is used to play slide show from the beginning to the last.

@ Points To Be Remember :-

1)   You can select several slides to move by drawing a selection box around to group of slides and then dragging the group to the new location.

2)   You can also select the several slides by holding shift key and selecting the first and last slide in the series.

3)   To gather slides from different part of a presentation hold down the ctrl keys as you click each.

@ Embed, edit and play a video in your presentation :-

A.   Embed a video in your presentation.

B.    Recolor a video.

C.    Apply special effects to your video.

D.   Add and synchronize text overlays in your videos.

E.    Change the brightness and contrast of a video.

F.     Change the color, style and weight of a video border.

G.   Play your video in a shape.

H.   Start or end your video with a fade effect.

I.       Add a poster frame image to your video.

J.      Set the ‘play’ options for a video in your presentation.

@ Add a screenshot to a slide :-

                                                                   I.            Quickly add a screenshot to your powerpoint 2010 presentation without having to leave powerpoint.

                                                                II.            After you add the screenshot, you can use the tools on the picture tools tab to edit and enhance the image.

@  Slide show tab

v Start slide show :- To start the slide show from beginning or current slide. We can also set custom slide shows to view separately.

v Set up slide show :- This advance option  for slide show allows us to set presentation continuously till press esc button without narration and animation and other customize features.

v Record narration :- It allows us to record the description of a presentation n our own voice using microphone. Microphone must be attached with computer.

v Rehearse timings :- It allows us to adjust the certain timings between objects.

We can also change the resolution of the video from slide show tab.


@  Review Tab

The all options are same as ms word and excel.


@  View Tab

v Presentation views :-This option is used to view the presentation in different views like normal, slide sorter, notes page etc.

v we can also play the slide show from the slide show option from beginning to last.

v We can show and hide the rulers.

v We can zoom in or out the slide show page.

v We can change the view in color and grayscale or pure black and white.

Windows and macros options are same as the ms word and ms excel program.

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